Monday, October 4, 2010

Oct. 5 Thinking Tuesday

Hello Room 613! Our field trip is tomorrow! I can't wait! Make sure you remember to dress warmly, wear tennis shoes, and bring your lunch/drink.
I will not be at school on Thursday. I have to go to a meeting about grades and being able to look your grades up online starting the next nine weeks. You and your parents will be able to go online at anytime and check your grades and attendance. Anyway, I have to go and learn the new program and then come back and teach it to the other teachers. Mrs. Webb and a sub will be with you so you will be in great hands! I know you will be the best you can be and make me proud!

Mystery Question 1: When you step in mud and leave your footprint, it could eventually harden and become an i_____________.

Mystery Question 2: Sam and Sally went to the store and bought candy. What pronoun can we use to replace Sam and Sally? ______________

This is the website we used in class today to practice pronouns: